Monday, September 17, 2012

Acts 20:24

"But none of these things move me; nor do I count my life dear to myself, so that I may finish my race with joy, and the ministry which I received"

Thoughts: In this verse Paul is stating his priorities in life and the reason for his existence on earth. In the first line here " none of these things move him " I believe he is referring to all earthly possessions, rewards and/or titles. Paul is brushing off everything on earth and stating that none of these things matters to him, and that his eyes are fixated on the bigger picture which is living an acceptable life with God and spreading His word. 

Paul even considers his life as not significant. We are often caught up in setting goals and achieve earthly reward and  forget our true mission. I am not saying personal goals are not necessary but all of our personal goals should be a sub-bullet to the major goal of  life which is living right with God and spreading His word. This verse reminds me of 1 Thessalonians 5:17 "pray without ceasing", (I always remembered this verse just in case I got called on to site a memory verse in Sunday school), it would be impracticable to pray all the time every minute everyday. Imagine driving, walking and eating with our heads down and our eyes closed, A lot of people would go and see the Lord a lot earlier. The meaning behind 1 Thessalonians 5:17 is that God want us to have him on our mind at all time. The Lord wants us to think of him with every action.  

During the early phase of our Christian journey this hand in hand walk and the ability to have earthly things and our life not matter will be difficult. Am I there yet...NO, but I believe that the more time I spend in God's word and presence the less things will move me, the less I will not count my life as dear, and praying/thinking without ceasing will become second nature. 


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