Materialism is man’s
defiant attempt to overshadow destiny with the panoply of cities, the hurling
activity of his body, the absorption of his five senses through ceaseless
compulsions-with toys and furnishings, games, stones jewelry, and fine
processions-with listening and looking and smelling and touching and tasting-
with all and everything that servers to stave off introspection for a minute,
an hour, a lifetime.
Phillip Wylie, Night unto Night (Preface)
There is a thin line between enjoying the spoils of life in
which God has blessed us with and being over materialistic. I grew up neither
wealthy nor poor but I have always have had a grasp of the difference between
needs and wants. I have developed is the only unspoiled only child in America
(I only had a Nintendo growing up, so I missed out on Nintendo 64, Sega Genesis,
PlayStation 1 & 2 and Sony Dreamcast…. sorry for the nerdy rant). My
parents have instilled in me a sense of being satisfied with whatever you have
and I grew up a happy kid.
I am a bit worried for the youth of today always being
stimulated with something (iPads, PSP, Cell Phone, etc.). It’s hard not to
become materialist when you always have. Once the habit of always having is
fully developed in a child’s consciousness there will be no limits for the
wants of the child in the future. The youth of today may not even know the
difference between a want and need as I learned growing up.
If I were to be blessed to have a family my plan to combat
this trend of materialism would be.
Technology Free Day – One day a week without any
technology, that means no TV no playing on cell phones or tablets. This will
also have to apply to the adults in the house for we are the best example for
Charity – You don’t see how truly blessed you
are until you dwell with people less fortunate than you. I am not talking about
give some change to the homeless man at the train station either. I’m talking
about going down to soup kitchen, handing out food to the homeless.
More Play Time - There have been countless days
where I have passed a park on a beautiful Saturday afternoon and its completely
empty. This would be unheard of in my
teenage years. I remember some Saturdays traveling from park to park to find a
court that’s been over crowded.
Maybe I am just being old school with my thoughts and
nothing is wrong with the way kids are coming up theses days.
Am I overthinking? Would you raise your children
differently? Thoughts? Comment?
Follow @ DrivenDre